Australian Enemy Shoot

So last week I had my first feature film shoot - woo hoo!  :) 

It was set in the 70's which was pretty fun; sadly I'm not as educated in hair and make up as I would like but I did my best to do a nice Farrah Fawcet flip with my Fringe.  They took some pictures on the day; I'll see if I can get a few of them to post.  ;)

OMG it was sooooooooooo hot that day though!  I'm sadly a rather sweaty girl and I had been so praying there would be air conditioning that day.  My boyfriend didn't even want to wear a shirt when he was driving me to the shoot.  I was excited to be a 1970's air hostess and get to do some period work; I love period things and the fun of the hair and make up and way of talking and clothing and everything.  Yeah, the only disadvantage for this shoot though was definitely the period part of the costume.  It was really fun; a 1970's light blue Pan Am outfit.  Thank you thank you thank you Josh for not making us wear the jacket!  The scene was set in someone's apartment as a party at the end of the day, so we didn't need to be perfectly made up or anything.  I chose to attempt to put all my hair up; my hair is long and I'm told that flight attendants had to have their hair above the collar of their shirt anyway, which was convenient as I also wanted to try and reduce my disgusting sweatiness!  For period accuracy we also had stockings; never fun I hate nylons even in winter in Wisconsin; that's one of the benefits of Australia!  I love that you can dress proper and business like and not need stockings!  :)

Anyway, that's okay though, I don't mind being sweaty (I might feel bad for the other people like the guy who's lap I was sitting on though....), but any big shoot is going to have so many elements to face and work through be it heat or cold or needing to act like you're in a cold climate when you're sweating to death or being chained up to something for endless kind of makes me happy because at least I know I'm doing something and I'm getting a scene and a weather condition or whatever to work through.  Woo hoo!  :) 

It was a fun shoot too.  I needed a little help making my make up slutty enough, and thankfully the other two girls were wonderful and happy to help.  You never know when you go to a shoot if you are going to have those prima-donna stereotypical actresses even if they are at the just starting out auditioning for unpaid work stage.  (Which is EXTREMELY stupid by the way and for the life of me I cannot understand why anyone works with them!)  The girls were all super sweet and fun.  For one of them it was her first shoot and she joked how her friends were like "It's not a porno, is it?  You're going to be in a porno!", which is exactly what people said to me for the first film I did.  This became even funnier as the day when on and the dialogue felt like it was getting closer to a porno....  (Although it seriously wasn't that bad, especially considering the context and that it is a film!  No nudity either; I can't say I would have done it if there was.  Still sexy though; don't worry Josh I want to get interest for you; definitely steamy and worth seeing!)  ;)

I felt bad for the guys because they also had to wear full pilot uniforms and had the jackets on and everything.  (A good look for any guy though!)  ;)  It was pretty funny too though.  Especially as the two Qantas flight attendants had their orange jackets open with their bras and the ad-libbed dialogue got a little bit on the dirty side....

I don't naturally have a dirty mind, so when they were shooting the other group and I was with my pilot Franco I was brain storming for our dialogue. I'm kind of embarrassed to put on here what I came up with though!  When acting and on a set I know and the other people know the line between character and who you really are; the story and real life, and sometimes things just happen on a set and you have to acknowledge it, it's stupid not too.  When I say this I am thinking of when a group of us we staggering out of the door and we were supposed to be under the influence, and as I was opening the door I kind of got stuck in it somehow.  When the shot was finished and we could all laugh one of the guys said "I've never seen someone try to go through a door vagina first!"  OK I think I'm blushing a little just typing that...and I hope I don't get weird creepy readers or page hits because of that!  I'm rather naive, especially for an actress.  I partially blame it on having no older siblings (or any siblings actually!) to teach me what dirty things mean, and I'm guessing being raised in a tiny little Lutheran school didn't help either.  Although seriously I was the naive one in THAT setting, so you can imagine what it was like for me transitioning into the film and theatre world!  I was always the one sitting at the lunch table laughing along with everyone while a close look at my eyes would reveal I was thinking "I have no clue what that means or what I'm laughing at...I really hope that no one can tell I'm fake laughing...I feel so lame....!"

Anyway, back to the shoot.  It was a lot of fun and everyone involved was really great.  I'm really impressed with Joshua Finch and Marius and everyone for all the work they are doing for a historical piece; researching hair and make up and costumes and set pieces.  Speaking of which the 1870's couch they got in looked great but was so not that really what furniture was like then?

I could have gone to the pool party shoot the next day but sadly I couldn't make it; although it was for something fun as I was volunteering at the Inside Film Awards all day.  (Yeah, last weekend was a busy one!)  That will be the subject of my next blog entry, including my job helping Angus Sampson; OMG he is so nice I love him!  ;)  The pool party shoot sounded fun though and perfect for the hot weekend; I'm looking forward to seeing it! 

This is the frustrating part of writing a week later...I feel like there are fun moments and things I forgot but I will have to remember them and add them later!  If I think of them I promise I will come back and write them and if people involved in the shoot remember any feel free to remind me!  It was a fun day though and a great shoot; thanks Josh & I hope the rest of the shoot goes great!  :)

Here's a link to the facebook page and the youtube link:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=165849106765840&id=152759717594

OK my goal is to write about the Inside Film Awards this afternoon before I forget things about that too; so hopefully I will have another post for today.

Oh and YAY I'm so excited; I have multiple followers and one of them is from Australia and actually not one of my best friends; yay Chris thank you!  You made my day!  ;)
