Back from Bali

Back from Bali, back from holidays and sunshine (okay so it's still sunnier in Sydney than Wisconsin in winter but there is a DEFINITE temperature difference!), and back to real life, back to reality.  Oops now I have Eminem in my head...I actually kinda like that song so that's okay though.  (I tend not to be too much of an Eminem girl due to the language...imagine that!)

I was so sad though; I had an audition for a part I was PERFECT for that I LOVED, it was a desperate house wife perky innocent character, but sadly the shoot date was when we were in Bali.  Of course - go figure.  :-p

So I usually try to post acting videos on here but I couldn't resist putting this one up; I hope it works!  :)  If you listen you can hear me gasp when Kalon is looking at the monkey with the cigarette.

I had really been hoping that I would be going to LA in May with most of the girls from my full time acting class, but sadly it just didn't work out this time.  It feels kinda dumb because my job situation disappeared for the moment so I have no job and I'm going back to visit my family in July for a week or two or whatever, so I don't have a job I'm leaving so there's the TIME to do the course and I'm already flying to the states, but sadly with the no job situation there's no MONEY to do the course.  :( 

I know; you're sitting there reading this - if there is anyone reading this! - wondering "Umn, how could you afford to go to Bali for a trip but not money for a course for your career?  It's a long story that had to do with changing job situations and thinking that I couldn't go until September anyway and a few various other factors...Bali would not have happened had I known how things would turn out!  Now that I went I wish I was still there though! 

I am doing the next Intensive though starting this Thursday so I'm starting to learn my 12 scripts and pick where I have multiple choices for scripts.  So my Saturday night is working on this blog and my acting website, and then I have to get back to submitting for Star Now auditions, and learning scripts.  Then tomorrow will be cleaning; (hopefully for real this time!) I want to have my clothes in order and the house actually clean before the Intensive so I can FIND things during the few hours I'm at home to shower and change and grab a few hours of sleep.

I kind of want to find a short acting course to maybe do on a stopover to LA, although I'm not quite sure where I will find the money for that one either! 

Time to get back to work, although I'm hoping to maybe put up another video or two on here as it's been a while.  Augh; I've missed out on so much writing!  The night before going to Bali I stayed up filming until 2 AM with a couple of FABULOUS people (namely Karli-Rae, Rachel, & Paul) and actually doing an Aussie accent.  I'm praying it all turns out; it felt pretty good filming the scenes!  There's just the one comedy one from Coupling where I was told my English accent wasn't quite spot on and I didn't get to fix it...grrrr....I don't want to use it if it's not good and I love the scene!  I got yelled at for "pulling faces" too.  I know that they can be distracting at times or if they aren't "in the moment" and "real", but I find myself "pulling faces" all the time in real life, so it's real for me!  Plus I think there are certain comedy genres they do have a place.

Okay, dinner and then website and script time; hope everyone enjoys their weekend!  :)

