Researching a Real Role!

OK so for once I really do have to limit what I write as it's 4:00 AM, I teach cheer in just over 8 hours, I had a full day of work today, and I was up till 4:30 AM last night and 2:00 AM the night before that.

Work has turned busy though!  And most of all I have a role in the Series Deadly Women next week playing Melinda Raisch.  It's a real part in a real show; not union wages but I could care less I'm so excited.  This is an amazing opportunity and I just want to apply everything I have been learning and studying and really give it my all.

The plot is basically Melinda and her lover Mark murder her husband David because they are very religious (it's a massive part of their lives and her father is very high up in the church and denomination they are in,) and they felt it was better for David to be dead and for them to take that into their own hands than get a divorce.

I found a book my Marek Fuchs about the murder and Melinda and the other people involved.  I just finished the book and the past few hours I have been researching and trying to track down online people who actually knew Melinda and Mark and David.

The person whose story I find really interesting and compelling is Mark's wife Kristina, I would love to do something on her story and play her.

Anyway, I've sent two emails contacting people aside from Marek and his publicist who I contacted a few days ago and haven't heard back from.  I still have at least two if not three others I want to contact; time is so limited before the shoot especially since the shoot is Tuesday which is Monday in America and it's Friday there now and I don't know if the work email addresses I have been able to find for people will be checked over the weekend.

I so want to write updates about what I am doing to prepare for the roll each day and any progress I make in speaking to people who can tell me about Melinda and what she was really like and not just portraying her as a killer and with negative qualities, but finding the good things and what her relationship with Mark and David was like.

I'm so excited and I'm so sad already for when I don't have a role to work on like this when the shoot is over, despite the fact I'm on like zero sleep and have hours more work I want to do!  Hopefully I will be able to keep you updated though and fill in some details about how I got the roll and things up to here - stay tuned!  ;)
